What will I study in Step 2?

The table below lists the activities contained in this phase of the programme. It repeats the details on the type of activities involved, their learning outcomes and their relationship to the programme learning outcomes. What follows are the individual assets that were used to support each of the named activities.

Activity name and acronym

Activity type(s)

Activity Learning Outcome(s) or Aims

Programme Learning Outcome(s) being addressed by this Activity

Developing Good Academic Practice online course

1. Assimilative

2. Finding and handling information

  • Demonstrate knowledge of good academic practice and how to build it into your studies.
  • Understand how to avoid inappropriate or bad academic practice
  • Show knowledge of techniques on how to avoid plagiarism.

1. Explain the role of quality assurance and enhancement processes for providing a good quality distance learning experience for students

3. Evaluate the learning needs of students to help inform the design of teaching programmes


Academic conduct webinar


  • To consider how plagiarism disrupts student learning
  • To consider how teachers can design courses and assessments to reduce the risk of plagiarism
  • To consider the options for responding to plagiarism in student work

1. Explain the role of quality assurance and enhancement processes for providing a good quality distance learning experience for students

3. Evaluate the learning needs of students to help inform the design of teaching programmes

OU Processes: Module production webinar


  • To introduce concepts of quality assurance and quality enhancement
  • To consider the team approach to module production and the varying roles of module team members
  • To consider how internal and external review of module components can improve quality

1. Explain the role of quality assurance and enhancement processes for providing a good quality distance learning experience for students

OU Processes: Module presentation webinar


  • To introduce the OU’s approach to supported distance learning
  • To highlight the many sources of evidence available for evaluating the student learning experience on a module
  • To describe quality assurance and enhancement processes used during presentations of an OU module

1. Explain the role of quality assurance and enhancement processes for providing a good quality distance learning experience for students

OU Processes: Programme development webinar


  • To describe the main features of programmes
  • To highlight the many internal and external influences on programme development
  • To describe the quality assurance and enhancement processes used for programmes in the OU

1. Explain the role of quality assurance and enhancement processes for providing a good quality distance learning experience for students

Phase 1 OER development activity

1. Assimilative

2. Finding and handling information

3. Communication

4. Productive

5. Experiential

  • Use the checklist provided to evaluate the relevant academic, pedagogic and technical aspects of an open educational resource
  • Develop an action plan for modifying an open educational resource so that it could be used by students in your university.

1. Explain the role of quality assurance and enhancement processes for providing a good quality distance learning experience for students

2. Understand what the principles and practices of openness in education means for you and your institution in developing and sharing educational resources

3. Evaluate the learning needs of students to help inform the design of teaching programmes

Last modified: Thursday, 6 May 2021, 11:20 AM