Defining management of learning space

Management of the learning space refers the collection of techniques that teachers/trainers use to encourage effective learning by minimizing distractions and disruptions. It includes all of the things that a teacher/trainer does toward fostering learner involvement, cooperation, and a productive working environment. When strategies for management of the learning space are executed effectively, teachers/trainers minimize the behaviours that impede on learning and by so doing reinforce the practices that foster learning.

Management of the learning space also involves record keeping and the organization of non-academic tasks important in the documentation of teaching, training, and learning processed. Such records include checking attendance, keeping learner progress records, display and storage of instructional materials.

Most important, management of the learning space is concerned about learner engagement which is preparing learners to become self-directed and to take responsibility for their learning by determining their own learning goals, their use of and management of time and their relationship with other learners, trainers, and teachers. 


Essential elements of good management of the learning space

A teacher/trainer can have great plans and materials. However, if a teacher/trainer cannot manage her/his class, effective learning will not happen. So, what are the essential elements of good management? It is important for a teacher/trainer to have good management skills for an enabling learning environment. Both technical and personal relationship skills are important. Below are management skills required:

  • Planning a programme of learning and teaching/training
  • Decision making concerning resources, teaching/training strategies and discipline
  • Organizing learning activities 
  • Attending to learner diversity
  • Coordinating learning with learning from other sources
  • For teachers: Communicating with learners and parents 
  • Establish good relationship with the learners
  • Establish expectations, consequences and goals


  3.1 Introduction to classroom management & organization                          The role of the teacher

Last modified: Friday, 20 September 2024, 1:33 PM