Defining organization of the learning space

Management of the learning space and organization are intertwined. While rules and routines influence learner behaviour, organization of the learning space affects the physical elements, making it a more productive environment for learners. How the environment is organized influences the behaviour in it. For example, actions as simple as establishing fixed locations for laboratory supplies and designating specific places for other supplies can have a dramatic effect on organization of the learning space, and, consequently, on learning. 

Organization of the learning space is evident in a room even if no one is present. Furniture arrangements, location of materials, displays, and fixed elements are all part of organization. Effective teachers/trainers decorate the room with learner's work, they arrange the furniture to promote interaction as appropriate, and they have comfortable areas for working. They also consider learners' needs in arranging the room by leaving space for wheelchairs to manoeuvre, having walkways so learners can access what they need with minimal disturbance to others and organizing in such a way as to allow the teacher/trainer to freely move around the room to monitor progress. Effective teachers/trainers think about the little details that enhance the use of available learning space including different types for different activities.

Considerations for effective organisation of learning space

In order to organize a learning space effectively, it is important to create a positive and safe environment for your learners that will maximize learning and will minimize the frequency of behaviour problems. The following actions can be taken into consideration: 

Floor space

  • Count the number of desks and chairs needed
  • Try to ask for furniture or needed items well ahead of time
  • Place the desks where learners can easily see the teacher/trainer
  • Keep high-traffic areas clear

Learner area

  • Plan areas for learner's belongings.
  • Provide space for learner's binders, back-packs, lunch boxes, umbrellas, shoes, etc. 
  • Plan for learners to hang up/store jackets or coats.

Wall space

  • Cover one or more bulletin boards with coloured paper and leave bare for learner work.
  • Display ground rules
  • Post procedures, assigned duties, calendar, clock, emergency information, schedules,menus, charts, maps, etc.
  • Have a consistent place for listing the day’s or week’s assignments


  The role of the teacher                                                                   Classroom seating arrangement

Last modified: Friday, 20 September 2024, 1:42 PM