Identifying Barriers
Active teaching, training, and learning is based on the notion that knowledge can be constructed by both learners and teachers/trainres. By challenging the authority of the teacher/trainer as ‘the’ person in the classroom who possesses knowledge, it may engender cultural resistance. There are also a number of practical issues affecting the proper implementation of active teaching, training, and learning:
Listen to 'Maggie's Story' by clicking on the headphone icon below.
After listening, answer the following question:
What issues affecting proper implementation of Active
Teaching, Training, and Learning did Maggie face during her
teaching career?
List your answers in your study notebook.
Maggie's Story Audio player:
A spectrum of approaches
Teacher/Trainer may find it hard to select an appropriate method or technique for active teaching/training. To promote quality teaching/training and learning, teachers/trainers do not need to rigidly divide learner-centred from teacher-centred approaches. In the spectrum of pedagogical approaches, teachers/trainers change their practice throughout the different modules of a course, or even in a single lesson in order to choose the specific approaches that will best serve the lesson objectives. In one single lesson for instance, some direct teacher/trainer-led instruction may be followed by inquiry-based activities. It remains up to the teachers’/trainer's professional judgment to find the best ways to guide learning.
The following factors can help teachers/trainers select the appropriate methods and techniques of teaching:
- Lesson objectives;
- Learners' learning style;
- Nature of content;
- The age of learners;
- Time bound.
2.3 Barriers in integrating Active Teaching and Learning TAKE QUIZ 2