Open Educational Resources (OERs)

Open Educational Resources (OERs) are a fantastic type of instructional material because they are free to reuse, adapt, and share. Moreover, they have been created and curated by educational professionals. OERs might take the form of lesson plans, quizzes, online articles, digital media, databases, simulations, and much more. OERs can be found in large collections or through search engines and may range from individual images to entire courses.

Watch the below video and discover the key points of OERs


Summary of the key points of OERs

  1. Adaptation and redistribution of learning resources is allowed
  2. Learning materials are open to all
  3. Learning materials are released in an open license
  4. Learning materials available in any format (video, text, etc.)

Tips for integrating OERs in teaching and learning

  • Find an OER that will help support course or unit-level objectives

  • Assess the quality of the OER

  • Eliminate extraneous content within the OER

  • Remix the OER with other educational materials, if applicable

Overview of the best OER platforms 


   Educational posters                                                                 5.3 Choosing instructional materials

Last modified: Friday, 20 September 2024, 3:12 PM