
A drill is a classroom technique to aid memorisation by way of spaced repetition. Drills promote the acquisition of knowledge or skills through repetitive practice. 

Drill is a useful technique to introduce a new lesson and to familiarise learners with new concepts. Flashcards and quizzes can be used to execute a learning drill. A flashcard bears information in words or numbers while a quiz is a form of mind game in which the learners (as individuals or in teams) attempt to answer questions correctly. Both can also be used to consolidate or assess knowledge after finishing a certain section. Drill exercises can give the teacher immediate feedback about learners’ understanding at each phase of lesson.


  1. Choose the drill tools most suitable to your lesson theme: flashcards or quizzes.
  2. Adequately prepare for your chosen tools.
  3. Prepare the ground rules that will encourage active participation by the learners: timing, members’ active participation, number of ideas per person, etc.


  • Drill exercises should be short to allow assessing progress several times during the lesson.
  • Provide enough time for all learners to actively participate in the drill.
  • Provide enough time to correct misunderstandings or respond to the learners’ challenges.
  • Try to alternate between different drill tools (flashcards, quizzes) to maintain learners’ motivation until the required level of achievement is attained.


  Techniques/ Storytelling                                                      Tools for Active Teaching and Learning

Last modified: Tuesday, 11 August 2020, 2:36 PM