Assessment vs. evaluation

While assessment focuses on the learning and teaching/training processes and outcomes, and provides information for improving them, evaluation focuses on grading the quality of learner’s outputs. Evaluation is therefore described as the structured interpretation and giving of meaning to results. It looks at original objectives and makes a comparison with what was accomplished. An evaluation can be used as a final review to gauge the quality of instruction. It is always product-oriented. This means that the main question is: “What’s been learned?”

Following are a few steps involved in the process of evaluation:

1.  Identifying and defining general objectives

In the evaluation process, the first step is to determine what to evaluation and so to set down educational objectives.

2.  Selecting teaching points

The next step in the process of evaluation is to select points of instruction through which the objectives can be realised. Once the objectives are set up, the next step is to decide the content (curriculum, syllabus, course) to help in the realisation of objectives.

3.  Planning suitable learning activities

Thirdly, the instructor will have to plan the learning activities to be provided to the learners and, at the same time, bear in mind the objectives as well as instructional points.

4.  Evaluating

The instructor observes and measures the changes in the behaviour of learners through testing.

5.  Using the results as feedback

The last, but not the least, important step in the evaluation process is the use of results as feedback. If the instructor, after testing the learners, finds that the objectives have not been realized to a great extent, she/he will use the results in reconsidering the objectives and in organizing the learning activities.

   Assessment for learning                                                                                  4.2 Class assessment tools

Last modified: Friday, 20 September 2024, 2:40 PM