Further reading
An Lasair – cruinneachadh de bhàrdachd na 18mh linn, deas. Raghnall Mac Ille Dhuibh, Polygon 2001
An Tuil – cruinneachadh de bhàrdachd na 20mh linn, deas. Raghnall Mac Ille Dhuibh, Polygon 1999
An Oidhche mus do sheòl i, Aonghas Pàdraig Caimbeul, Ùr-sgeul, 2003
Samhraidhean Dìomhair, Catriona Lexy Chaimbeul, Ùr-sgeul, 2009
Bùrn is Aran, Iain Crichton Mac a’ Ghobhainn, Gairm, Glaschu, 1960
An Aghaidh Choimheach, Iain Moireach, Gairm, Glaschu, 1973
An Claigeann aig Damien Hirst – cruinneachadh de sgeulachdan goirid, Ùr-sgeul, 2008
Na Balaich air Rònaidh, Fionnlagh MacLeòid, Aberdeen University Press, 1972
Songs of Gaelic Scotland, deas. Anna L. Nic Gill Ìosa, Birlinn, 2010
Flower of the West, Aberdeen, 2000 (Eachdraidh Runrig)
The Companion to Gaelic Scotland, deas. Ruaraidh MacThòmais, Oxford, 1983
Scotland’s Music, John Purser, Mainstream Publishing Dùn Èideann, 1992
The Fiddle Music of Scotland, James Hunter, The Hardie Press, Dùn Èideann 1987
The Highland Bagpipe and its Music, Roderick Cannon, Birlinn, Dùn Èideann, 2008
A National Collection of the National Instrument (leabhar agus CD) Hugh Cheape, 2008
Psalms from the Hebrides of Scotland CD Vols 1-3. Ridge Records RR031
Scottish Tradition: Music from the Western Isles: Tangent Records Number 2. TNGM10