Assessing progress and performance
Assessment of student progress provides teachers with the evidence they need to plan the next learning opportunity for each of their students. The teachers in these videos show different ways to undertake assessment in the classroom, even with large classes.
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A teacher employs several forms of assessment in a multigrade, multilingual context.
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- You may also want to read TESS-India’s Teacher Development OER Elementary English.
A teacher shows how he plans a lesson during which he assesses his students’ progress to inform future lesson planning.
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- We welcome your thoughts on this video. Please share them on YouTube.
- You may also want to read TESS-India’s Teacher Development OER Elementary Maths.
A teacher tries out different types of informal assessment with his large class.
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- We welcome your thoughts on this video. Please share them on YouTube.
- You may also want to read TESS-India’s Teacher Development OER Secondary English.
A teacher employs a simple form of assessment with his students and uses his findings to amend his teaching plans.
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- We welcome your thoughts on this video. Please share them on YouTube.
- You may also want to read TESS-India’s Teacher Development OER Secondary Maths.
A teacher has used his knowledge of his students’ prior learning to organise them into groups.
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- We welcome your thoughts on this video. Please share them on YouTube.
- You may also want to read TESS-India’s Teacher Development OER Secondary Science.
Using groupwork