TI-AIE: Transforming teaching-learning process: leading improvements in teaching and learning in the elementary school
What this unit is about
This unit will help you to support your teachers to develop their practice and bring about pedagogical change in your school. Much has been written about this subject – and there has been training organised on such topics as ‘activity-based learning’ and ‘child-centred learning’ – but how do you actually put this into practice in your school? The unit gives practical examples of how to use the TESS-India Open Educational Resources (OERs) with teachers in your school to make their lessons more participatory in order to improve the learning outcomes of your students.
The unit guides you through a change project lasting one term (about 12 weeks), where you will focus on pedagogical change in your school. You will be encouraged to identify an aspect of your teachers’ classroom practices that you would like to change. There are activities for you to carry out in your school and case studies that offer examples of implementation.
You should read the whole unit before you start, and then do the activities in the order in which they are set out, keeping records of your plans, actions and reflections as you go through the term.
Learning Diary
During your work on this unit you will be asked to make notes in your Learning Diary, a book or folder where you collect together your thoughts and plans in one place. Perhaps you have already started one.
You may be working through this unit alone, but you will learn much more if you are able to discuss your learning with another school leader. This could be a colleague with whom you already collaborate, or someone with whom you can build a new relationship. It could be done in an organised way or on a more informal basis. The notes you make in your Learning Diary will be useful for these kinds of meetings, while also mapping your longer-term learning and development.