4 Summary
This unit has focused on developing the concept of angle and recognising their presence in real life through your teaching.
You have seen how you can use outdoor spaces as a mathematical arena where ideas can be explored and links and relationships in mathematics can be established.
You have also explored how to enable your students to develop visual images from embodiment, how to work with manipulatives such as paper folding, and how to make the links between enactive, iconic and symbolic representations in mathematics (Bruner’s theory). In doing so you have considered how to help students understand that angles are all around us, and that measuring angles is an important everyday skill.
Helping students to work in this way can help them become independent learners, able to think through the ideas they have studied in the classroom and apply them outside.
Pause for thought Identify three techniques or strategies you have learned in this unit that you might use in your own classroom. |
3 Finding angles all around us