Resource 2: Resource for role play

This role play is based on a restaurant scene. You could write the menu on the blackboard or get your students to make their own menus for the role play.

Here is the menu of a small restaurant:

A group of young people enter the restaurant and look at the menu. They have to choose two rolls from the given menu. There are some conditions: two of them are vegetarians, and the others prefer to eat non-vegetarian rolls. Two of them have Rs. 50 each and the other three have Rs. 30 each. Take roles in groups of four and you may use the following words and phrases, or your own:

  • ‘I prefer … to …’
  • ‘I am a …’
  • ‘I don’t like …’
  • ‘I like …’
  • ‘We also … juice.’
  • ‘No. That’s not a good idea.’
  • ‘Let me suggest …’

Resource 3: Dealing with some of the challenges of using pair and groupwork for speaking activities