
Resource 1: Some definitions of coaching and mentoring

The coach

  1. ‘The art of facilitating the performance, learning and development of another.’ (Downey, 2003)
  2. ‘We believe that coaching is primarily about performance … The core concept of our approach is that the individual or team being coached already has the resources within them to move forward and that the coach’s primary role is to help them access these resources.’ (The School of Coaching, undated)
  3. ‘Coaching is about performing at your best through the individual and private assistance of someone who will guide you to keep growing.’ (Gerard O’Donovan)
  4. ‘Unlocking a person’s potential to maximise their own performance. It is helping them to learn rather than teaching them.’ (Whitmore, 2003)
  5. ‘Coaching is about developing a person’s skills and knowledge so that their job performance improves, hopefully leading to the achievement of organisational objectives. It targets high performance and improvement at work, although it may also have an impact on an individual’s private life. It usually lasts for a short period and focuses on specific skills and goals.’ (CIPD, 2009)
  6. ‘A professional partnership between a qualified coach and an individual or team that support the achievement of extra-ordinary results, based on goals set by the individual or team.’ (ICF, undated)
  7. ‘Coaching is directly concerned with the immediate improvement of performance and development of skills by a form of tutoring or instruction.’ (Parsloe, 1995)
  8. ‘Facilitating the unleashing of people’s potential to reach meaningful, measurable goals.’ (Rosinski, 2003)

The mentor

  1. ‘MENTOR: 1. capitalised: a friend of Odysseus entrusted with the education of Odysseus’ son Telemachus. 2. (a) a trusted counsellor or guide; (b) tutor, coach.’ (Merriam-Webster definition)
  2. ‘Mentoring is a developmental relationship between a more experienced individual, a mentor, and a less experienced partner, a mentee. Through regular interactions, the mentee relies on the mentor’s guidance to gain skills, perspective, and experience.’ (Menttium, undated)
  3. ‘Mentoring is a developmental partnership through which one person shares knowledge, skills, information and perspective to foster the personal and professional growth of someone else. We all have a need for insight that is outside of our normal life and educational experience. The power of mentoring is that it creates a one-of-a-kind opportunity for collaboration, goal achievement and problem solving.’ (USC CMIS, undated)
  4. ‘Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a push in the right direction.’ (John C. Crosby)
  5. ‘Mentoring is a term generally used to describe a relationship between a less experienced individual, called a mentee or protégé, and a more experienced individual known as a mentor. Traditionally, mentoring is viewed as a dyadic, face-to-face, long-term relationship between a supervisory adult and a novice student that fosters the mentee’s professional, academic, or personal development.’ (Donaldson et al., 2000)
  6. ‘The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches but to reveal to him his own.’ (Benjamin Disraeli)
  7. ‘A mentor typically performs multiple roles, beyond that of an advisor. A mentor makes a special and often personal investment in the career development of a protégé. Often, a mentor is also:
    • ‘A teacher – helping the protégé develop critical skills and hone unique talents.
    • ‘A role model – providing an example and modeling best practices.
    • ‘A friend – providing crucial psychosocial support and encouragement.’ (Arizona State University, undated)

Resource 2: An example of how coaching could be used in implementation of CCE