5 Summary

This unit has taken you through the self-review cycle and has introduced you to some tools that you could use to collect evidence and review your school.

Collecting evidence in an organised manner about key aspects of the school’s performance will help you to adjust your actions and plans appropriately. This can be a task that is shared, but at the start is likely to need strong leadership and building a culture of trust. As schools become more autonomous, this goes hand-in-hand with accountability; school self-review offers an objective process that provides suitable evidence to celebrate strengths and address weaknesses. A detailed self-review means that a school can be confident in its planning and prioritising so that is becomes effective and improves year-on-year.

This unit is part of the set or family of units that relate to the key area of perspective on leadership (aligned to the National College of School Leadership). You may find it useful to look next at other units in this set to build your knowledge and skills:

  • Building a shared vision for your school
  • Leading the school development plan
  • Using data on diversity to improve your school
  • Planning and leading change in your school
  • Implementing change in your school.

4 Tools for self-review