Resource 3: School Leadership learning outcomes

Table R3.1 Learning outcomes of the TESS-India School Leadership OERs.
NCSL key areaOER titleLearning outcomes
OrientationThe elementary school leader as enabler
  • To review your school leadership skills and identify areas for improvement.
  • To use the TESS-India School Leadership OERs to design your learning pathway that enhances your school leadership skills.
  • What it means to be an enabler of learning in your school.
The secondary school leader as enabler
  • To review your school leadership skills and identify areas for improvement.
  • To use the TESS-India School Leadership OERs to design your learning pathway that enhances your school leadership skills.
  • What it means to be an enabler of learning in your school.
Perspective leadershipBuilding a shared vision for your school
  • How a school vision informs everyday actions to improve a school.
  • How to formulate your own school vision.
  • How to involve others in developing and implementing a vision that makes a difference to students
Leading the school’s self-review
  • The advantages and challenges of school self-review.
  • The nature of school self-review and the self-review cycle.
  • How to gather and use qualitative and quantitative data.
Leading the school development plan
  • The main features of an effective school planning process.
  • To plan for school-wide improvements in student learning.
  • To engage stakeholders and especially the SMC in school development planning.
  • To write an effective school development plan that makes a difference to outcome for students
Perspective on leadershipUsing data on diversity to improve your school
  • The importance of diversity in order to ensure that all students achieve maximum learning gains each year.
  • Types of data and nature of data collection that will be useful to you in understanding and dealing with diversity issues in your school.
  • To use the collected data to improve learning outcomes for all students and develop an action plan.
  • To lead teachers and the local community to gather, analyse and use data on diversity to ensure better outcomes for all students.
Planning and leading change in your school
  • To identify external and internal drivers for change within schools.
  • To identify challenges to implementing change.
  • To take necessary steps in planning and leading change in your school.
  • To identify educational leadership approaches and relate these to your approach.
  • To lead by example, inspiring and motivating others through a change project.
Implementing change in your school
  • The nature of the change process and how people respond to change.
  • Some key theories of change and their relevance to schools.
  • How to work with and through others to implement change.
Managing and developing yourselfManaging and developing yourself
  • To prioritise your work, delegate to others and make effective use of your time.
  • To plan for your personal and professional development.
  • To set yourself SMART objectives.
Transforming teaching-learning processLeading improvements in teaching and learning in the elementary school
  • Be familiar with the pedagogy and structure of the TESS-India OERs.
  • Appreciate the potential for adapting and using OERs in your school.
  • Identify a focus to increase student participation in learning in your school.
  • Ideas on how to sustain improvements in teaching and learning.
Transforming teaching-learning processLeading improvements in teaching and learning in the secondary school
  • Be familiar with the pedagogy and structure of the TESS-India OERs.
  • Appreciate the potential for adapting and using OERs in your school.
  • Identify a focus to increase student participation in learning in your school.
  • Ideas on how to sustain improvements in teaching and learning.
Leading assessment in your school
  • To distinguish between assessment for learning and learning for assessment.
  • To lead a strategy for developing formative assessment with teachers in your school.
  • To help teachers use evidence and data collected during formative assessment to give feedback that helps students to improve their learning.
Supporting teachers to raise performance
  • To assess teacher performance.
  • To plan to improve the performance of individual teachers.
  • Some ideas on how to conduct constructive meetings with teachers about performance.
  • Some ideas to use to maintain the performance of teachers.
Leading teachers’ professional development
  • How teachers’ professional development can impact on school improvement and student learning outcomes.
  • Some ideas to help your teachers assess their professional development needs.
  • Plan, monitor and enable professional development of all teachers.
Mentoring and coaching
  • To distinguish between mentoring and coaching, and how both can be used to support staff learning.
  • To have conversations with members of staff that improve teaching and learning in your school.
  • To plan and deliver coaching and mentoring sessions with agreed outcomes.
  • To consider the benefits of a coaching culture in your school.
Transforming teaching-learning processDeveloping an effective learning culture in your school
  • What school culture is and how it impacts on learning.
  • To begin to identify the culture in your school.
  • Some strategies for developing a positive shared culture for learning in your school.
Promoting inclusion in your school
  • To develop a shared understanding of diversity, equity and inclusion with your staff.
  • To prioritise actions to improve learning outcomes for all your students.
  • To collaborate with others to plan and execute actions that address disadvantage or exclusion in your school.
  • The importance of evaluating the impact of your interventions.
Managing resources for effective student learning
  • To understand the broad range of resources available both within and outside the school.
  • To identify different resources within your school with a focus on those that are underutilised.
  • To engage staff in ensuring resources are utilised appropriately and effectively for learning.
  • To draw up a plan for the effective use of resources in your school.
Leading the use of technology in your school
  • To acquire insights about the range of technology which might be used in your school.
  • To consider the creative use of ICT tools and devices in school.
  • Ways to use the internet to support your own learning.
  • To support your teachers in using the internet for their own learning and in their classrooms.
Leading partnershipsEngaging with parents and the wider school community
  • Building effective relationships with key institutions in your state.
  • Building collaborative partnerships with other schools and non-governmental organisations (NGOs).
  • Engaging with community organisations, especially the SMC.
  • Engaging and collaborating with parents to improve students’ learning.

Resource 2: Leadership competencies audit

Resource 4: Your Learning Plan