7 Summary
Recent changes in education may have placed more responsibility on Indian school leaders, but they have also created the opportunity for you to make a real difference in your school and bring your influence to bear on the learning outcomes for students. You are in a profession that is changing and you are being asked to demonstrate qualities and competences that bring about change in your school. The TESS-India School Leadership OERs can help you meet this challenge, especially in persuading teachers in your school to do things differently and adopt the new approaches that are directed by national policy in the NCF 2005 and the NCFTE 2009.
This unit has focused on the importance of you being an active learner and modelling a solution-based approach to filling gaps in your knowledge and competences. As you worked through the unit, you formed a Learning Plan using the TESS-India School Leadership OERs. You should work through this plan, monitoring your own progress and learning and sharing it with colleagues where appropriate.
6 Focusing on your teachers