
Resource 1: Heat and temperature true/false quiz

Read each statement in Table R1.1 and decide whether you think it is true or false. If you are not sure, tick the ‘Not sure’ box.

Table R.1.1 Heat and temperature true/false quiz.
Statement True    False    Not sure
1 Heat is the total amount of energy in an object.
2 All objects contain heat.   
3 Thermal energy means the same as heat.
4 Heat is a form of energy.
5 Temperature measures heat.
6 Temperature and heat are the same.
7 An iceberg has more heat than a cup of hot tea.
8 Heat is the energy transferred between objects because of a temperature difference between them.
9 ‘Hot’ and ‘cold’ are words that describe the temperature of an object.
10 ‘Hot’ and ‘cold’ are words that describe the amount of thermal energy an object has.
11 Heat is a substance, like air or water, that flows in and out of objects.
12 ‘Cold’ is the opposite of ‘heat’.
13 Only hot objects have heat.
14 There are different types of heat, such as natural heat and normal heat.
15 Some objects are colder than others because of what they are made from, e.g. such as floor tiles and metal.
16 When two cups of cold water of the same temperature are mixed, the water will be twice as cold.
17 Thermometers are used for measuring heat.
18 The temperature of iced water at 0 °C will go down when more ice is added.

Resource 2: Assessing progress and performance