Resource 3: Element cards

Hydrogen (H)

Atomic number: 1

Mass number: 1

Electron arrangement: 1

Appearance: colourless, odourless

State at room temperature: gas

Reactivity: reactive; reacts explosively with oxygen

Helium (He)

Atomic number: 2

Mass number: 4

Electron arrangement: 2

Appearance: colourless, odourless

State at room temperature: gas

Reactivity: completely unreactive

Lithium (Li)

Atomic number: 3

Mass number: 7

Electron arrangement: 2,1

Appearance: soft, silvery metal

State at room temperature: solid

Reactivity: reactive; discolours in air, reacts with cold water, stored in oil

Beryllium (Be)

Atomic number: 4

Mass number: 9

Electron arrangement: 2,2

Appearance: white, grey metal

State at room temperature: solid

Reactivity: does not appear reactive owing to a protective, layer of oxide

Boron (B)

Atomic number: 5

Mass number: 11

Electron arrangement: 2,3

Appearance: brown, black

State at room temperature: solid

Reactivity: chemically inert; only reacts with hot, concentrated acids

Carbon (C)

Atomic number: 6

Mass number: 12

Electron arrangement: 2,4

Appearance: dark grey slippery solid, black powder or glass-like gem stone (diamond)

State at room temperature: solid

Reactivity: reacts with air if heated

Nitrogen (N)

Atomic number: 7

Mass number: 14

Electron arrangement: 2,5

Appearance: colourless, odourless

State at room temperature: gas

Reactivity: unreactive; reacts with oxygen if heated with a platinum catalyst

Oxygen (O)

Atomic number: 8

Mass number: 16

Electron arrangement: 2,6

Appearance: colourless, odourless

State at room temperature: Gas

Reactivity: reactive; reacts with metals and non-metals – sometimes requires heat

Fluorine (F)

Atomic number: 9

Mass number: 19

Electron arrangement: 2,7

Appearance: pale yellow, pungent smell

State at room temperature: gas

Reactivity: very reactive; can etch glass

Neon (Ne)

Atomic number: 10

Mass number: 20

Electron arrangement: 2,8

Appearance: colourless, odourless

State at room temperature: colourless, odourless

Reactivity: completely unreactive

Sodium (Na)

Atomic number: 11

Mass number: 23

Electron arrangement: 2,8,1

Appearance: very soft, silvery metal

State at room temperature: solid

Reactivity: very reactive; stored in oil, tarnishes rapidly in air, reacts with water (melts)

Magnesium (Mg)

Atomic number: 12

Mass number: 24

Electron arrangement: 2,8,2

Appearance: silvery grey metal

State at room temperature: solid (often kept as ribbon)

Reactivity: reacts vigorously with air when heated, slowly with cold water, vigorously with steam

Aluminium (Al)

Atomic number: 13

Mass number: 27

Electron arrangement: 2,8,3

Appearance: shiny silver metal

State at room temperature: solid

Reactivity: tarnishes in air, forms a protective layer

Silicon (Si)

Atomic number: 14

Mass number: 28

Electron arrangement: 2,8,4

Appearance: grey, shiny, solid

State at room temperature: solid

Reactivity: unreactive

Phosphorous (P)

Atomic number: 15

Mass number: 31

Electron arrangement: 2,8,5

Appearance: Two forms: red phosphorous (powder) and white Phosphorous (pale grey solid – can be cut with a knife)

State at room temperature: solid

Reactivity: white phosphorous ignites in air and has to be stored in water; red phosphorous is unreactive

Sulphur (S)

Atomic number: 16

Mass number: 32

Electron arrangement: 2,8,6

Appearance: yellow

State at room temperature: solid

Reactivity: burns when heated in air; reacts with metals when heated

Chlorine (Cl)

Atomic number: 17

Mass number: 35 or 37

Electron arrangement: 2,8,7

Appearance: green, yellowy, pungent smell.

State at room temperature: gas

Reactivity: reactive; reacts with metals, especially if heated

Argon (Ar)

Atomic number: 18

Mass number: 40

Electron arrangement: 2,8,8

Appearance: colourless, odourless

State at room temperature: gas

Reactivity: completely unreactive

Potassium (K)

Atomic number: 19

Mass number: 39

Electron arrangement: 2,8,8,1

Appearance: extremely soft, silvery metal

State at room temperature: solid

Reactivity: stored in oil, tarnishes in air, catches fire when it reacts with water

Calcium (Ca)

Atomic number: 20

Mass number: 40

Electron arrangement: 2,8,8,2

Appearance: light grey metal

State at room temperature: solid

Reactivity: tarnishes in air, reacts with air on heating

Resource 2: How to play ‘Splat’

Resource 4: Information for Who Wants to be a Science Millionaire?